Friday 5 September 2014

Our Essay

Why should we remember the Hock Lee Bus Riots...

We should always remember the Hock Lee Bus riot because it lets us reminisce of what happened in the past in Singapore and also to know not to repeat a similar incident again. The Hock Lee Bus riot started in 25 April 1955 where the dismissed workers of the Hock Lee Amalgamated Bus Company went on strike with supporters and Chinese middle school students. It started off as a strike to improve wages and working conditions but escalated into a riot in February 1955.

One reason why we should remember this riot is because this is a very significant topic to the peace Singapore has now. This riot had shown us, the people of Singapore, a very big flaw that we had at that point of time.  We have come to realize from the Hock Lee Bus Riot that problems cannot be solved by riots, demonizing people, applying simplistic solutions, or simply saying that decisions can or should be made simply because they are legal. For instance, one critical point that Mr Lee Kuan Yew said in one of his speeches was that the colonial government was blinded by its inability to understand the public. They could not see the legitimate grievances which fueled public anger. They also framed the strike as a purely law and order issue, dehumanized the strikers, and sought simplistic explanations. The colonial government failure to understand the public was a very big flaw at that point of time. Another evidence can be found when David Marshall previously pointed out that everything the colonial government had done – call in the police and troops to indiscriminately break strikes – was entirely legal. Also, everything the Hock Lee manager did – indiscriminately fire workers and refuse to accept the arbitrator’s decision – was also legal. Something can be legal yet illogical and immoral at the same time, just like in South Africa, where racial discrimination was legal and encouraged in until just over two decades ago. Thus, falling back on the letter of the law is not enough to address your problems. These sources show the government had neglected people’s opinion at that time.
Secondly, the riot lets us remember what the people at that time had gone through and that we must cherish the Singapore today. In 1955, we sure made mistakes, not respecting people, not treating them with dignity and making harsh decisions. But through these mistakes, we make improvements so that such incidents or riots will not happen again. Our current government is trying hard to improve on that flaw. They even have a “Meet-the-People Session” event that allows people to meet their MP and voice out their opinions.  The MP will then address it to the Parliament, who will try their best to solve it for them.
Therefore, our group thinks that Hock Lee Bus Riot is very important to remember because it serves as a reminder of the mistake our government made back then; neglecting the people’s opinion. We will also remember the sufferings our pioneer generations went through. Their sufferings allow us to have the peace we enjoy now so we ought not to destroy the peace, but instead improve it by understanding each other and voice out our opinions politely.

Saturday 23 August 2014


Type of Source
Textual Source
CROUCHING RANKS BROKE IN 12 MINS. (1955 May 11). The Straits Times, page 1. Retrieved August 25, 2014 from Source.
Textual Source
TOOK DAY OFF: 100 BUSMEN LOSE JOBS. (1955 March 25). The Straits Times, page 4. Retrieved August 25, 2014 from Source.
Textual Source
15 BUS STRIKERS INJURED. (1955 April 28). The Straits Times, page 1. Retrieved August 25, 2014 from Source.
Textual Source
IOTERS BATTLE the POLICE. (1955 May 13). The Straits Times, page 1. Retrieved August 25, 2014 from Source.
Pictorial Source
Police train fire hoses on picketing busmen. Took place at the gates of Hock Lee bus depot in Alexandra Road. Taken August 23, 2014.
Pictorial Source
Havoc created during the riots (May 12, 1955). Taken August 23, 2014.
Pictorial Source
Death of 34-year-old Detective Corporal Yuen Yau Pang. Taken August 23, 2014.
Pictorial Source
Riot police attending to injured victims during the riots. Taken August 24, 2014.

From Source 1,

" Police used fire hoses yesterday to disperse pickets of the Singapore Bus Workers' Union, who were illegally obstructing the gate of the Hock Lee Bus Company depot in Alexandra Road.

The hosing was ordered by magistrate, Mr T. Kulasekaram, after the pickets had ignored repeated warnings that they were committing an offence in trying to stop the company's buses from leaving."

From Source 2,

" They divided the workers into two different sections and those who would not grumble or strike for better wages were members of the Hock Lee Bus Workers Union.
" We asked for a day's leave. They purposely refused to grant us a day off. It was necessary for us to attend a meeting of our union to consider better conditions of service." The spokesman said."

From Source 3,

" Fifteen strikers were injured at 6 a.m. yesterday when police used batons to disperse a group of dismissed workers of the Hock Lee Amalgamated Bus Company who were obstructing the gate of the company's depot in Alexandra Road, Singapore."

From Source 4,

" At midnight the rioters had entrenched themselves behind barricades in Tiong Bahru Road and Alexandra Road from where they attacked police and civilian cars. Bricks and stones were being used as weapons."

From Source 5,

The picture shows the police firing hose at the pickets who were obstructing the gates of the Hock Lee bus company depot in Alexandra Road.

From Source 6,

The picture shows the havoc created during the Hock Lee bus riots.

From Source 7,

The picture shows a policeman who got brutally injured from the riot and died eventually.

From Source 8,

The picture shows how the pickets were treated by the policemen.

Journal of meeting

1st meeting

Date: 14 august 2014
Time: 3.30-6
Members present: Andrea, Xin Qi, Le Xin and Jer’valle
Members absent: NIL
Venue: Andrea’s house
Issue discussed: We divided the roles of everyone:
Andrea(find answer for similarity source A).
Le Xin(find answer for similarity source B). 
Xin Qi(find answer for differences source B). 
Jer’valle(find the answer for differences source A). 
So we came out the answer for the compare and contrast, then we combined and uploaded it on the blog. After uploading the first blog we discussed about the sources, we went internet to find some but in vain, nothing of our use was found.
Action plan: Andrea will try to find as many sources as possible by the 16th of August. And the rest are to assist if she can not find enough sources. If andrea found a textual sources the members are to summarise the textual source; cancelling out whatever that is irrelevant. We plan to meet on the 16th of August again.

2nd meeting
Date: 16 August 2014
Time: 2.30-4pm
Members present: Andrea, Xin Qi, Le Xin and Jer’valle
Members absent: NIL
Venue: Le Xin’s house
Issue discussed: We went through all the sources and sorted them out. But we only found 5 sources. Because we have something on after four we can not stay behind to finish up the sources.
Action plan: Continue our research on the sources by the next meeting; 22nd of August 2014. And post it by the next meeting.

3rd meeting

Date: 22nd August 2014
Time: 12.30-4
Members present: Andrea, Xin Qi, Le Xin(left earlier) and Jer’valle
Members absent: Le Xin left early because she cannot get approval from her CCA teacher to stay behind to do HI Project.
Venue: School Computer Lab 4
Issue discussed: We finished all our sources that day but did not have time to post everything because we have CCA so we have to rush to CCA. And our format was all wrong so we had to delete the two post previously that is for the minutes and replace it. And for our compare and contrast answer we got the common criteria wrong so we had to delete that post as well and redo it. We decided that everyone will do the essay and we will choose the best or infused the essays together.
Action plan: Post the sources by 23rd August 2014. And start doing the essay. We will not be meeting soon because there are a lot of tests so we will be communicating by whatsapp and google docs.

Tuesday 19 August 2014

Comparison of sources


  Both source A and B are similar in the political repression by the British government.

  This can be seen from Source A,"And oh they couldn't give me any office-it took a long time-government offices were extremely overload -and there was a lot of difficulty.I had to threaten to bring a desk here and set it up here or in my flat before I could get an office!"

  This shows that the government took no initiative at all and they could not even be bothered to give David Marshall a proper place for him to work.

  Similarly,source B states that,"Out on the streets, Chinese students ignored the government's official closure of their schools..."

  This shows that the government had treated the locals badly that they do not even want to obey them at all even when they are stopped from having lessons.  


  Both sources A and B differ in what people hope to achieve.

  Source A shows how people want to achieve independence while Source b shows how people want to achieve a better curriculum.

   From Source A "Merdeka!People of Singapore!"shows how enthusiastic the people of Singapore were towards the independence of Singapore.It also shows how desperate and determined they were of gaining independence for Singapore.

  In contrast,Source b states that"Out on the streets, Chinese students ignored the government's official closure of their schools,and in a repeat of the previous year locked themselves into their classrooms,where they established their own revolutionary curriculum." This source shows their determination and perseverance to achieve a better education system.

  In conclusion,this shows that both source a and b differ in what people hope to achieve.